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Neander Meander - The Influence

Neander Meander is influenced by a long, long trek that Dr. Von Zuko took down the Neander Valley not too far from Duesseldorf, Germany.  The Neander Valley is the location where the skeletal remains of the
Neandertal man (
"Neanderthal man") were discovered in 1856.

On the day of his quest, Dr. Von Zuko started out roughly 5 miles up the Neander River from the Village of Neandertal.  It was a glorious fall day, blue skies with billowing white clouds and cool but pleasant temperatures.  Few hikers were up for the strenuous hike it seems, because Von Zuko encountered very few individuals on the trail that day.  The river valley, nearly left to Dr. Von Zuko exclusively, was amazingly beautiful.  The winding earthen trail was quite enticing, climbing up the numerous hillocks then dipping down into dark ravines as it closely followed the course of the river. 

As an avid archaeologist, Dr. Von Zuko was excited to be experiencing this solo journey into the past, and wondering what ancient treasure might befall him as he periodically prodded at the earth.  With a gentle breeze whispering through towering trees and the sound of the river gurgling and rushing over the rocks, Dr. Von Zuko was certain that on occasion, he heard the faint murmurs of ancient voices.  The atmosphere in the valley was simply overwhelming and the doctor felt his spirit joyously bounding down the trails, seeking what was over the next ridge.   In listening to Neander Meander you will defiantly feel as though you are bounding down the trail, and perhaps seeking ancient treasures.     

Notes: Homo neanderthalensis, after ruling the European continent for 200,000 years, died out about 10,000 years ago as modern humans (Homo sapiens) poured into the continent from the east.  Recent genetic research indicates that the Neanderthals were indeed a different species than the early humans.  So the next time you refer to someone as a Neanderthal, it’s very likely not accurate!

                                                  More about the Neander trek

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